Collagen induction treatment, also called microneedling, deep skin stimulation, dermabrasion, or needleless skin tattooing, is an elective cosmetic technique that entails repeatedly puncturing the patient's skin with tiny plastic needles. The purpose of this treatment is to stimulate the collagen production in the deeper layers of the skin, thus improving its elasticity and pliability. Collagen is naturally produced by the body and is responsible for keeping the skin smooth and supple. As the amount of collagen depletes, skin gets dry and wrinkled. It is also responsible for the firmness of the epidermis, which makes it susceptible to damage from ultra-violet radiation and other substances.
Collagen treatment, therefore, aims to replenish the collagen levels and keep them at healthy levels. The needles used in microneedling are specially designed to be placed at the right depth into the skin, just beneath the surface. Micro-tubes are then inflated and directed to the needed area, generating a small amount of friction. This generates heat, which is absorbed by the collagen and heats it up, causing it to become pliable. The process is repeated at least four times per month, and the wrinkles usually go away after one or two sessions. It is not a permanent solution, however, as it can be quite uncomfortable and needs to be repeated several times per session.
Another advantage of microneedling Birmingham is that it helps reduce acne scars and blemishes. These types of marks typically form when pores are blocked, resulting in the formation of blackheads, whiteheads, and acne scars. The procedure reduces these scars and helps improve the overall condition of the epidermis.
The procedure is not without side effects though, and there may be some reddening or swelling at the site of the procedure. It is also recommended that you stay away from sun exposure for a few days after having microneedling done. If you have very sensitive skin, then this could also lead to dryness and irritation around the treated area. Therefore, it is important that you discuss the pros and cons of this treatment with your dermatologist before undergoing it.
There are other microneedling at home treatments that you can try. Some people have found that applying ice to their skin can bring about some results. Applying lemon extract or apple cider vinegar to the face can also help keep the pores from being clogged. Drinking more water to hydrate your skin can also reduce dryness and make your skin feel softer to the touch. In general, though, these treatments do not work as well as the dermabrasion and filler methods mentioned earlier.
If none of the at-home methods works as well for you as the medical procedure does for others, then you may want to consider undergoing a more intense form of this treatment. This means going for microdermabrasion to eliminate the top layers of skin. The results, however, may not be as effective because the top layers of dead skin are still attached to the iris. This can cause a more severe appearance to your skin.
Learn more at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microneedle